The Jan Kochanowski Municipal and Communal
Public Library in Zwoleń


The Jan Kochanowski Municipal and Communal Public Library is the oldest cultural institution of the local government in Zwoleń, the purpose of which is to meet cultural and information needs of the local people. The library of Zwoleń holds a collection of 21,992 inventory units (data from December 31, 2008).
As far as our financial capacity allows us to, we are still expanding the collection according to the liking of our readers, so as to enable all the visitors of our library to
have a fascinating read. Taking into consideration the needs of kids, students from various schools, academic students and the readers trying to improve their qualifications, we are also collecting popular science literature. We have a rich collection of regional books and conduct various workshops, especially with
the youngest ones. There are three library branches in the Zwoleń County: Branch in Jasieniec Solecki, Branch in Strykowice Górne, Branch in Sycyna.

The library has been functioning as the County Library since 2001 and takes care of and supervises communal libraries and other branches in the Zwoleń County.

In 2008, the Jan Kochanowski Municipal and Communal Public Library received in Warsaw a Kierbedź Award for cultivating regional identity.

biblioteka po remoncie

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Expenditure co-financed by the European Union from the European
Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational
Programme 2007-2013 for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship

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